Refugee resettlement is a collective effort among the very largest, most powerful governments and organizations to the very smallest local foundation, church or business. We are grateful for all of these who play a role.
National Resettlement Agencies
Once refugees have been approved by the various federal agencies for travel, the U.S. State Department’s Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migration program coordinates admission of refugees and their allocation to specific cities with local resettlement agencies—such as Bridge. This process happens through the auspices of nine national agencies, part of the unique public-private partnership that provides services for refugees across the country. Bridge partners with Episcopal Migration Ministries in this reception and placement process.
Episcopal Migration Ministries: Episcopal Migration Ministries’ vision honors both the Episcopal Church’s baptismal covenant and the historical role of the United States as a safe haven for those seeking freedom from oppression. EMM is committed to carrying these values and commitments forward into the future on behalf of the Church. EMM provides funding for resettlement services and early-employment programming.
State Partners
In addition to the partnership that brings refugees to Knoxville, Bridge is supported through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide longer-term services including cash and medical assistance, English classes, employment services and other support. Through these programs, facilitated through Catholic Charities’ Tennessee Office for Refugees, clients qualify for a more limited level of assistance for up to five years.
Tennessee Office for Refugees (TOR): The Tennessee Office for Refugees’ mission is to foster growth, integration, and self-sufficiency by providing financial, technical, and professional support to refugees and the agencies who serve them in the State of Tennessee. TOR provides Bridge Refugee Services with funding for employment and case management services, intensive case management, health promotion programs, cash and medical assistance, elderly programs, and school impact services.
Local Partners
Faith-based partners
- All Souls Church
- Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church
- Central Baptist Bearden
- Clear Creek Church of Christ
- Farragut Presbyterian Church
- Fellowship Church
- First Baptist (Chattanooga & Knoxville)
- First Christian Church of Chattanooga
- First Presbyterian Church
- Generous House
- Hamilton County Baptist Association
- Hillcrest United Methodist Church
- Messiah Lutheran Church
- North Shore Fellowship
- Northminster Presbyterian Church
- Seventh-day Adventist Church
- St. Francis Episcopal Church
- St. James Episcopal Church
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
- Tennessee Valley District United Methodist Church
- Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
- Two Rivers Church
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga
- Westminster Presbyterian
- Appalachian Community Fund
- East Tennessee Foundation – CNS Y-12 Community Investment Fund
- East Tennessee Foundation – Gordon and Nancy Thomas Fund
- Lawson Family Foundation
- Siddiqi Charitable Foundation
- Tech Goes Home
- The Trust Company
- Trinity Health Foundation
- United Way
- Appalachian State University
- Chattanooga State Community College
- University of Tennessee in Knoxville and Chattanooga
- UTK Model United Nations
Community Organizations
- Alliance for Better Non-Profits
- Beardsley Farm
- Center for English
- Center for Nonprofits Chattanooga
- Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries – Corners of Your Field
- Knoxville and Chattanooga Chambers of Commerce
- Cherokee Health Systems
- Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga
- Compassion Coalition
- Department of Human Services
- DHS of Knoxville and Chattanooga
- Hamilton County School System
- Immigrant Needing Vocational Educational Support to Thrive (INVEST)
- Kickstand
- Knox County Health Department
- Knox Furniture Ministry
- Knoxville Internationals Network
- Office of Multicultural Affairs of City of Chattanooga
- Rotary Foundation of Knoxville
- Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition
- Tennessee Immigrant Empowerment Solutions
- The City of Knoxville
- The Muslim Community of Knoxville
- Volunteer East Tennessee
- Wallace Mobile Healthcare, Inc.
- Welcome House Knoxville
Local Government
- City of Chattanooga
- City of Knoxville
- Knox County
- Knox County Schools
- Hamilton County Schools
- CNS-Y12 Community Investment Fund
- Home Federal Bank
- FourLeaf Property Management
- Mattress Firm
- Midas Touch Moving – Official Transport Sponsor
- Morningstar Storage
- Pilot Company
- Shay Properties
- Y-12 FCU Gives Foundation