Our employment program helps assists newcomers admitted to the US as refugees and international protected classes to find employment so that the individual or family may become self-sufficient as soon as possible. We provide placement assistance, interpretation services, post-employment follow-up, referrals to additional employment resources, and job readiness training.
What are the benefits to local employers who hire newcomers admitted as refugees?
• United States Citizenship and Immigration Service fully authorizes applicants to work immediately upon entry to the US.
• Applicants are often eager to begin working.
• Applicants bring a variety of skills and experience.
• Bridge Refugee Services pre-screens applicants to match job openings.
• Applicants receive coaching and interpretation services during the application and orientation process.
• Bridge Refugee Services provides placement assistance free of charge.
• Employers require no Sponsorship Visa.
Refugees and internationally protected classes have a wide variety of skills, assets, experience, and cultural views that can aid in a work environment, improve business, and and inspire staff through their work ethic and personal narratives.
East Tennessee has already benefited from the skills, creativity, and dedication of BRS clients throughout the years.
If you are an employer who would like to find out more about hiring refugees and international protected classes, please contact Heba Al-Obaidy in the Knoxville office or Marina Peshterianu in the Chattanooga office.